Monday, February 20, 2012


It is with great pleasure and an honor to Interview author Deborah Henry. Author of 'The Whipping Club.' Thank you Deborah. I wish you much Success.

~~~Author Interview~~~

What inspires you to write?
I am inspired to write, because I love to explore and examine various themes that emerge in my mind's eye.

Describe your perfect comfort zone for writing.
Alone on a private stretch of beach, looking and listening to the ocean is my favorite writing room.

Who is your favorite author?
I have many different favorite authors, similar to my varying tastes in music, depending on my mood. But, William Trevor comes to mind as one of my all-time favorite authors.

How important is a book cover?
A book cover should be evocative, interesting and artistic to draw the reader to open up the book.

Do you have current work in progress?
I am currently at work on another novel, a humorous memoir, and a young adult title.

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