Monday, June 6, 2011

*INTERVIEW #3 with Award Winning/Best Selling Author* CHRISTA JAN RYAN

It is an Honor and with Great Pleasure to bring back author Christa Jan Ryan.



Award Winning/Best Selling"SILENT SCREAMS FROM THE HAMPTONS" has been moved into a Play/Musical with first production September 16th, and has now been moved into a Film in 2011. 

author of:    "FROM THE DEPTHS OF A WOMAN'S SOUL"      

Genre:     Inspirational


In your opinion, what genre makes the best movies?

Motivational, or Inspirational, because of where we are today as a society. We are all suffering silently, and painfully with issues that have consumed us. When we see someone become an overcomer, it gives us the courage and inspiration to know and explore the possibilities that we too can do it! We need to break out of our isolation, and reach out and touch someone with our experiences, strengths, and hopes!  

Did you ever experience writer's block?

Not yet. In the fifteen years that I have been writing, everything to me has become a script, or open book to fill. Life is so full of rich and exciting experiences on how we become shaped through our experiences. I'm constantly writing articles, or logging in information regarding what is happening in my life!

Did you have favorite books as child?

Absolutely! Nancy Drew held my attention for many years as did all the classics that depicted the 'Life' of classic adventure, or heart rendering experiences. I am, and always have been a huge reader for adventure, and escape.

Is writing a passion, stress-reliever, or both?

Both. I'm passionate about writing what is close to my heart, and sharing with my readers, my transparency, and vulnerability. It's also a big stress-reliever to share my 'Humaness' with the world. As I write, it relieves me of so much that I have bottled up, and hidden. It feels like a huge weight that gets lifted, every time I share my truth.

What Helpful advice can you give to new writers?

You have to PERSEVERE! Nothing is easy. But, if the dream of writing has been placed in your heart, you need to listen to your heart, and pursue that dream. It has not been easy for me. Rejection-after-rejection, came in the mail for four straight years, regarding my Best Seller. But, I knew in my heart that I had a winner, and just needed to keep on exploring, and believing in myself! Put yourself in the company of people who are only going to support you. There's nothing worse than to be around people, who constantly bring negativity to your project.


Thank you Christa for Today's Interview. I wish you very much Success!

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