Sunday, September 18, 2011


It is an Honor and with Great Pleasure to Interview Author JOE L. Blevins

Thank you Joe for Today's Interview.  I wish you much Success!

Author of:  "THE FAMILIAR"

'Lock Your Doors And Say You're prayers, For Evil Abounds Everywhere!'



What inspires you to write?

There is a basic desire to tell an interesting story, and do something new and different. I always use a sense of humor with strong details to make you think, and see the events like someone living at that time and place. The language used speaks of a different era. The reader gets the sense of being at a certain event in the past. I stay away from profanity in my work, because often it is used, and weakens the story. Your main audience suffers in the process. 'THE FAMILIAR' is my seventh book. It came about when I was picking up trash, after a big storm. We live in the country, so there was a great deal of trash blown into one of our fields. I went to pick up the trash, and a bobcat jumped out of a cedar tree. I dropped the trash, and he took the trash, then ran off with it. It scared me so much, that it was exciting. I kept thinking about it, and a story came to mind, over a period of a few months.


Who is your favorite author?    

Robin Renee Ray is my favorite author at the present time. Sue Dent is a very close second.

Did you enjoy reading as a child?

Yes. We went to the library to read often. We spent every summer, so that we could read to improve our reading skills, be better informed, and cover material that school often glossed over. I always loved colorful stories, and books on science, and history.

If you were to write in a different genre, what would it be?

Historical Fiction has been my favorite genre in the past. My other books deal with this premise. It was often too confining, trying to keep to a certain timeline. Even when I write a fictional story, I try to keep with actual factual details, and events to make the story more interesting for the reader. The storyteller is often fictional, but the details are real characters, and historical events. 'THE FAMILIAR' is my first Gothic horror tale. The idea has been in my mind for about ten years.


Do you have current work in progress?

Yes. A new work is being developed as we speak. The drawings come first, then the stories unfold around the artwork. Drawings give a story details about the way I see it in my imagination. I write down notes that explain my notions about the premise, almost like a storyboard for a movie.                                                          

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