Saturday, May 8, 2010

*INTERVIEW with Author/Trainer/Speaker/Consultant/ JIM TEMME*

Author of:     "PRODUCTIVITY PLUS"

Subitle:          "Ideas To Live Your Life With Enthusiasm, Energy & Focus"

Genre:             Self/Improvement/Business/Career(won the Glyph Award as voted by the Arizona
                         Book Publishing Association for Business/Career book of the year in 2009.


Geri:         What inspires you the most to write?

Jim:           I have written books mostly to produce passive income. Also, the research for my
                  books gives me facts and data to use in my speaking engagements. I have been,
                  first and foremost, a professional speaker.

Geri:          Did you have favorite books as a child?

Jim:           Not really. I wasn't encouraged to read. However, as a parent of two sons, when they
                  were little boys, I made it a point to read to them every night that I was home. Our
                  favorites were THE LITTLE ENGINE WHO COULD and GOODNIGHT MOON.
                  One book that did influence me as a child was J. D. Salinger's CATCHER IN THE

Geri:            When did you first realize that you wanted to be a writer?

Jim:              There was no particular moment. It evolved. I did realize in college, particularly
                     in graduate school, that I was better at writing term papers than taking tests. I'm
                     not sure that I am a writer, although I've written five books, four of which are
                     published. I consider myself to be an author. I do research for self-improvement
                     subjects that I then put into book form to help people who want to improve their
                     lives. I also use the facts and data that I research for my speaking engagements,
                     as stated before.

Geri:              Who is your favorite author?

Jim:                Probably Wayne Dyer would rank at the top. He inspired me to write in the self-help
                       genre. I also like Robert Fulghum. I don't enjoy fiction. I mostly like history, or
                       biography. For instance, I'm currently reading CLAPTON, the autobiography of
                       Eric Clapton. I recently finished THE SNOWBALL EFFECT, a biography of Warren
                       Buffett, and UNDAUNTED COURAGE, a historical perspective of the Lewis and
                       Clark expedition. I read a variety of books, newspapers, and magazines.

Geri:             Do you have any current work in progress?

Jim:               Not really. I have written a book on the shelf, so to speak.

Geri:               Thank you kindly for your time. I wish you much success with your business, and

Jim:                 You're welcome.

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