Monday, January 16, 2012


It is with Great honor and a Pleasure to Interview Author Alexandrea Weis today. Thank you Alexandrea for your time. I wish you very much Success.

~~~Author Interview~~~

What inspires you to write?
I wish I could pinpoint it to one thing that inspires me, but anything inspires me. A song, a story from a person I just met about their life, or a story on the news. I find stories all around me. When I don't have a story, I just sit down, and start writing. Probably what inspires me the most to write is a blank piece of paper. I just want to fill it up with something.

Who is your favorite author?
Hemingway, Tennessee Williams, and Ian Fleming. I loved the character study of James Bond in the books.

If you were to write in a different genre, what would it be?
Paranormal or fantasy probably. I think those genres really allow your imagination to soar.

In your opinion, how important is a book cover?
Very important. That is your first introduction to the reader, and we as humans are visual creatures. What we see entices us. I always take special care with my covers.

Do you have special work in progress?
My next book is coming in January 2012, titled 'BROKEN WINGS.' It is the story about a wildlife rehabber who uses the healing power of animals to help a Iraq veteran home from the war to overcome his post traumatic stress syndrome. It is a very personal story for me since I am a wildlife rehabber, and a Nurse who has worked with PTSD patients in the past. It is a story of love, and the ability to overcome all obstacles.

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